The writer of Hebrews continues to teach the 4th verse of the 110th Psalm. It’s like he’s paying attention to every word.

And what he means to point as he begins this final paragraph of chapter 7 is the absolute
perfection of our Great High Priest, and the absolute superiority of His priesthood.

He demonstrates why the people of God must hold fast their confidence. He demonstrates why any step away from the liberation that has been brought to them in Jesus Christ, and that they enjoy in the new covenant, is shameful. What God has done for us in His Son is beautiful and wonderful, and it is beyond fathomable that we should ever ashamed of it, or doubtful about it, or be moved away from it through the hatefulness and unbelief of others.

He is saying to these Jewish Christians, you have gained in the new covenant, not lost. Move forward, mature, in your understanding of God’s saving grace, don’t return to the things that no longer are in force. They were imperfect and temporary with respect to everything that God meant to do in saving His people.

He gives us four proofs of the superiority of Jesus, of the Melchizedekian priesthood, and of the new covenant.