7031 Forney Road
Dallas, TX 75227
Office: (214) 388-7979

The Greater Way: Loving, Learning, Living!
This is the process by which we make disciples of Christ.
Loving (Sundays @ 10am ONLY) We have Sunday worship experiences that allow visitors and members to have meaningful encounters with the Lord.
Learning (Wednesdays at 7pm) We have mid-week gatherings that facilitate learning through interactive bible-study and Life-Groups.
Living (Monthly Outreaches) We live our faith through serving both inside and outside of our church.

Our Values:
Authentic Relationships - Matthew 22: 36-40
Strategic Service - Mark 10: 35-45
Relevant Teaching - 2 Timothy 3: 16
Engaging Generations - Titus 2: 1-8
Committed Unity - Philippians 1: 27
Extreme Excellence - Colossians 3: 17
Relentless Progress - Philippians 3: 12 - 14