S. Acts 15:11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
O. We are constantly receiving new information: articles shared on Facebook, advertisements on TV, app notifications… the list goes on and on. Paul, in the same way, challenged thought on religion and giving new information to every city he went. But in Acts 17:10-12, we see Luke write something attention-grabbing. He lifts the Berean Jews up as an example of nobility out of all the people they met on their journey. The important question for us is: how can be like the Berean today?
a) Open hearts (11) The Bereans heard the Gospel attentively for they were anxious to understand it and were willing to investigate its claims. They received the word with all readiness of mind. They were glad to have it preached to them. If Christianity was a better system, they would willingly part with Judaism. We need to receive God’s Word with fresh eagerness each day.
b) Clear heads (1-11) The Bereans permitted the Apostles to preach freely without judgement. They heard them with respect. The Thessalonians would have checked their prejudices, but they shut their ears against Paul and Silas. The Bereans gave them a fair hearing, without partiality. When the evidence of its truth appeared to them sufficiently convincing, they had too much dignity to deny it. They were "more noble."
c) Busy hands: Examine the Scripture every day (11) The Bereans searched the Scriptures and investigate what the Word of God said, and how Paul’s teaching matched up with it. They also searched the Scriptures daily to find out. It was not a one-time, quick look. They made it a point of diligent, extended study. Also, they believed they could understand and find out truth from the Bible.
A. We have much to learn from the Bereans. They were "more noble." not because of their linage or wealth. They received God’s word with enthusiasm. When Paul preached, they had open hearts; but also clear heads and busy hands. And they were serious about the truth by examining God’s Word daily. It was these things that made the Bereans more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica and in the world today.
P. Lord, thank you for granting us the privilege to study Your word and have such strong teaching in our church. May we be like the Bereans today that have open hearts, clear heads, and busy hands to dig into the Bible each day to be corrected, nourished and equipped each day.
