In this lesson we address the objection that Jesus violated the seventh day Sabbath when He healed a man and told him to pick up his mat on the Sabbath. John 5:18 read that Jesus had "broken the Sabbath." Critics use this to claim that it was allowed to break the Sabbath in certain occasions. But did Jesus violate the Sabbath when He healed this man on that day? Was this Sabbath healing an example of why the Sabbath is not moral or was the healing in accordance with the very essence of what the Sabbath was all about? In other words, was it legal, or illegal, to do good deeds on the Sabbath day? And if it was legal, what did John mean by the word "broken?"

This video appeared a week earlier in our Facebook training group: Exclusive Members of the Advent Defense League. Train in apologetics through weekly lessons, monthly workshops with invited guests, and downloadable apologetics materials. Members can also:

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The best way to be prepared, is to train,
The Advent Defense League
Music by: Bensound