Third Sunday in Lent
March 7, 2021
Theme: “Am I My Brother's Keeper?”
Sermon Text: John 19: 25-27

Old Testament: 2 Samuel 22: 1-7
Epistle: Revelations 2: 1-7
Gospel: Luke 4: 31-37

Hymns TLH
155 v. 1-3
428 v. 1-4
148 v. 1-3
Order of Service
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Hymns for 3rd Sunday in Lent

Opening hymn # 155 v. 1-3, “Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing”

1. Sweet the moments, rich in blessing, Which before the cross we spend,
Life and health and peace possessing, From the sinner's dying Friend.

2. Here we rest in wonder, viewing, All our sins on Jesus laid;
Here we see redemption flowing, From the sacrifice He made.

3. Here we find the dawn of heaven, While upon the cross we gaze,
See our trespasses forgiven, And our songs of triumph raise.

Sermon hymn # 182, “Jesus, Loving to the End”

1. Jesus, loving to the end, Her whose heart Thy sorrows rend,
And Thy dearest human friend: Hear us, holy Jesus.

2. May we in Thy sorrows share, For Thy sake all peril dare,
And enjoy Thy tender care: Hear us, holy Jesus.

3. May we all Thy loved ones be, All one holy family,
Loving for the love of Thee: Hear us, holy Jesus.

Hymn # 428 v. 1-4, “I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus”

1. I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Trusting only Thee;
Trusting Thee for full salvation, Great and free.

2. I am trusting Thee for pardon; At Thy feet I bow,
For Thy grace and tender mercy, Trusting now.

3. I am trusting Thee for cleansing, In the crimson flood;
Trusting Thee to make me holy, By Thy blood.

4. I am trusting Thee to guide me; Thou alone shalt lead,
Ev'ry day and hour supplying, All my need.

Closing Hymn: # 148 v. 1-3, “Lord Jesus Christ, my Life, my Light”

1. Lord Jesus Christ, my Life, my Light, My Strength by day, my Trust by night, On earth I'm but a passing guest, And sorely with my sins opprest.

2. Far off I see my fatherland, Where through Thy blood I hope to stand.
But ere I reach that Paradise, A weary way before me lies.

3. My heart sulks at the journey's length, My wasted flesh has little strength;
My soul alone still cries in me: "Lord, take me home, take me to Thee!"