Where there is no guidance [a rudder], a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. — Proverbs 11:14

Men are fascinating creatures, aren't we? We love adventure. I know I do. It is why I live life the way I do. But in my search for adventure, I know that sometimes I will detach the rudder. That I will sail out in the wide-open sea without a rudder for the sheer adventure. I have done this many times — in my career, relationships, finances, and more. But the only problem with this is that it lends itself to catastrophic failure. And it's not a fall that only affects us. It affects others as well. Notice Solomon says that "a people fall." It's a decision by one that affects many.

On the other hand, when a man has counsel, something changes. Solomon says, "there is safety." But safety is not non-adventure. Safety is an adventure with fewer fails. Safety is an adventure with other adventurous men. Safety is an adventure with counsel that avoids the stupidity of a lone man who says I don't need a rudder.

So, fellas, the lesson is this. If you want more adventure, bring adventurous men along. Do this one thing — get counsel. Before you make that next big decision, meet with someone who can give you godly counsel. Don't go to the open sea alone. That's stupid, not safe. Live in the adventure, and do it with other adventurous men. This way, you will experience a bigger and better adventure, with new limits, at faster speeds, and with men who help keep the rudder attached.

ASK THIS: Who is a godly counselor you have had or need now?

DO THIS: Set a meeting with them.

PRAY THIS: God, give me godly counsel through a godly man.

PLAY THIS: Blues Counsel | Phil Keaggy - River is Rising @ Grace Chapel

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