The majority of Christians believe that this text is calling for submission to the State of Rome, and thus calling for Christians to submit to all civil government. Bob Deffinbaugh writes, "There is no reason for the Christian to fear government for its purpose is to punish evil-doers and to reward those who do good. Since the Christian is to practice what is good and avoid evil, there should be no conflict between the Christian and government." Is he serious? We are constantly in conflict with a government that is devoid of any spiritual values.

The view that this applies today to our civil government is reinforced by some translations. The Good News Bible says at Romans 13:1: "Everyone must obey the state authorities, because no authority exists without God's permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God." Some Bibles have subheadings for each chapter. One of them at Romans 13 says, "Submission to the State." Another says, "Be Subject To Government." Now those words are not part of the Scripture, but because they are in the Bible many think they are inspired. But they are just someone's opinion of what Romans 13 says, but does it? I don't think so, and one of the main reasons that I don't is the context. The surrounding context is all about love. Does Paul then just inject seven verses on submission to civil government?

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10/14/2012 - Pastor David B. Curtis - Berean Bible Church - - Message #624