Rejoice Always | Be Anxious for Nothing | Paul writes while in prison awaiting his trial | Do not Worry | Do Not Fear Men | Shyness is Self-focused | What will People Think of You | You are a Child of God | Keep Your Mind on Him | Trust God | He will Give You Peace Beyond Your Understanding | Pray about Everything | Thank God before He answers Your Prayer by Faith | Once Sealed by the Holy Spirit All Things Work for Good for Those Who Love Him | God is on the Throne | Daniel didn't Fear Men and Continued to Pray | God didn't Change his Circumstances but Provided Strength and Peace to Daniel | His Peace Surpasses All Understanding | Apply His Word and Wait what God will Do | Trust God for Today | Worry is a Waste of time | Trust God who Raised Jesus from the Dead | Walk by Faith and Not by Sight

Psalm 29 | Philippians 4:6-7 | 1 Peter 5:7 | Psalm 61:2 | Matthew 11:28-29 | Isaiah 26:3-4 | Daniel 6:10-11 | Matthew 6:25-27 | Hebrews 13:20-21

Be Anxious for Nothing | Philippians 4:6-7 | Sunday Service | 09-03-2023 | Pastor Joe Pedick