Sunday, September 20, 2020
Rev. Don Jones
Being Polite to God
Isaiah 7:1-13 and 2 Chronicles 18:1-17

These six Bible characters shared something in common. Ahaz, Jehoshaphat, Ahab, Jehoiakim, Herod and the Rich Young Ruler all shared a polite attitude toward God, but they were devoid of any real relationship with Him. Sadly, they are not alone. Here are four principles to gauge whether you share the same character.

1. Acknowledges God but does not change behavior.

2. Recognize a need for God but relies on themselves.
A. Wisdom, Counsel
B. Power, Might, Authority
C. Abilities
D. Followers
E. I know better than God

3. Hears and understands what God says but ignores it.

4. A clear picture of who God is but chooses only to bring Him along just in case.