The Authority of the Son (5:16-30)

I. Reading the text (John 5:16-30)

II. Commentary and Discussion: 5:16 The day of God’s rest is now a day of controversy. Because Jesus told the invalid to pick up his mat and walk, he is now being persecuted for breaking the Sabbath laws. Do we have some rules and regulations in the church that keep us from ministering to hurting people?

5:17-18 After Jesus said, “My Father,” the Jews had a reason to kill him. Why was it so troubling for the Jews to hear Jesus call God “my father”?

Let’s look closely at John 5:19-23.
1. OBEDIENCE: The Son is obedient to the Father, “he can only do what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” (5:19) This is about obedience. As children of God are we obedient to our Father?
2. LOVE: The Father’s love for the Son is so great that God reveals himself, shows everything he does. Think, for a moment, about how much greater the Father’s love is for sinners. Remember John 3:16. God loves the world so much that he gave his son to die for their sins. What amazing love! Can you imagine that kind of love?
3. LIFE: Raising to life means resurrection. Paul wanted to experience the power of the resurrection. See Philippians 3:10.
4. JUDGMENT: We hear Jesus say that the “Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father.” Jesus is in the highest place and he has the highest name. See Philippians 2:9-11. We can see a picture of the Son judging the nations in Matthew 25:31-30. What makes some nations pass the judgment (test) while others fail?
5:25-29 The dead and buried will come to life; it’s called the resurrection. Out of their graves, they will come to judgment. The good will “rise to life.” The evil will “rise to be condemned.” Read 2 Corinthians 5:10.

Testimonies about Jesus (John 5:31-47).

I. Reading the text (John 5:31-47)

II. Commentary and Discussion

The Old Testament calls for the testimony of two or three (Deuteronomy 19:15; Matthew 18:16;
2 Corinthians 13:1). Why isn’t one person’s word enough?

5:33-35 – Jesus calls John the Baptist to testify. But John’s testimony is limited because it is a human view. What did John the Baptist say about Jesus? (Read John 1:29-31)

5:36 – Jesus also mentions his work as a testimony.

Next, Jesus calls now on his Father to testify. The Father’s testimony is heard in Matthew 3:17 and 17:5. What do others say about you? What does the quality of your work say about you as a person?

5:39 – Finally, there’s the Bible. Obviously the Jewish people had studied the Old Testament many times, but they missed the part that points to Christ. One example is Isaiah 53. Who do you see in that picture?

5:43 – Anyone who promotes himself or herself will miss out on God’s promotion. Self-praise or praise from others falls short compared from the praise from God. Let us not praise ourselves or seek to hear others praise us, only God’s voice is enough. (Matthew 25:21, 23)

5:44 – “How can you believe since you accept glory from one another…” Again, getting recognition from others blocks our relationship with God. How can you receive “glory from one another”? What do you think of applause in the church?

5:45-47 The writings of Moses (Torah/Pentateuch) were studied closely by the Jewish people. Reading the Law should have pointed people to Christ, but they were unable to see the connection. If you want people to know who Jesus really is, what do you recommend them to read?