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Gospel John Bible Study #34
John 10:1-21 I am the good shepherd.

1. What event led Jesus to this teaching of the shepherd and his sheep?
- There was so painful event because the man lost everything.
2. What are the characteristics of sheep?
- Gether together, follow, big body with short legs, inability to find food, water…poor vision, sharp sensitive hearing power, easily frightened, defenseless
What special innate ability does a sheep have? 10:3,4,5,8b,16,27 Listen and follow

3. What is a sheep pen?
How and why does a robber or a thief enter the sheep pen? 10:1,10a- to kill, to steal and to destroy sheep
How and why does a shepherd enter the sheep pen? 10:2,10b enter through door, give life

4. How does a shepherd bring his sheep out of the sheep pen? 10:3,4 – by calling each their own sheep’s name
Draw a picture of a shepherd and his sheep which are following him.
What kind of bond is there between them? In this passage, relationship between them is life.

5. What is the difference between a good shepherd and a hired hand?
- Good shepherd has ownership of sheep. A hired hand has not ownership of sheep and just work for money.
When can a sheep find out that his shepherd is a hired hand or a good shepherd?
- A good shepherd fight back with dangerous wild animals. When the hardship comes, a hired hand run away.

6. “I am the gate for the sheep.” What kind of gate is Jesus? 10:7,9,10b
- Jesus is the gate so that sheep can get life only through Jesus. Jesus gives us eternal life.
- We have to stay in and out through Jesus.
7. “I am the good shepherd.” 10:11,14,15,17,18,28,29
- 11: Sacrificed his life
- 14: knows sheep with everything and the sheep know Jesus. How much do we know about Jesus?
- 28: safe in Jesus
- 29: We are safe in God’s hand.
Why is Jesus the good shepherd?

8. There are three different kinds of shepherds in this chapter.
What are the outcomes of sheep under each kind of shepherd?

a. Sheep under robbers and thieves; 10:10a - died
b. Sheep under a hired hand; 10:12,13 - died
c. Sheep under the good shepherd; 10:9,11,15 –full life and eternal life.
If sheep move to a good shepherd, they have full and eternal life.
So it is important that it is up to shepherd. Who cares for you.

9. Why is a human like a sheep?
- Inability to find food( Spiritual food), inability to go home(eternal home)
- We have to depend on Jesus to find spiritual food and eternal home.
- Inability to defend ourselves(from Satan attack)
- Poor vision(easily get lost)
So we should recognize Jesus voice
Who are Jesus’ sheep? Recognize, listen and follow.
- It is relationship between God and man.

10. Do you only listen to the voice of Jesus and run away from other voices?
Have you committed your life totally under the care of Jesus?
How safe are Jesus’ sheep in the hand of the good shepherd Jesus? 10:28,29, Psalm 23

11. What kind of faith might this teaching have put in the man born blind?

He is safe and is under