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Gospel John Bible Study #38
John 11:45-57 The Plot To Kill Jesus

1. Is your church? ( ) for Jesus or ( ) against Jesus
Are you? ( ) for Jesus or ( ) against Jesus

When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, how were the Jews from Jerusalem divided?
a. 11:45: believing Jesus, believing resurrection power
b. 11:46: reporting to the Pharisees what Jesus had done, they didn’t believe

2. Why did many of the Jews put their faith in Jesus? 11:43,44,45
Whom and what did they choose?
( ) the temple or ( ) Jesus’ resurrection power
( ) the temple leaders or ( ) Jesus
( ) their own survival or ( ) the truth

3. What did other Jews choose?
( ) the temple or ( ) Jesus’ resurrection power
( ) the temple leaders or ( ) Jesus
( ) their own survival or ( ) the truth

4. How did the chief priests and the Pharisees respond to the news of Lazarus resurrection?
What is the Sanhedrin? 11:47
-a meeting of the Sanhedrin
-70 members of supreme council or court
-many of them are Pharisees and Sadducees

5. What crime did the Sanhedrin charge Jesus with? 11:48
-Raising Lazarus is real danger of Israel
-Jesus is a threat to national security
-Romans will come and take away both our temple and our nation

6. Who is Caiaphas? 11:49
-High priest and the son in law of Anna, Sadducees
-He was appointed by Romans and by money
What logical ground did he lay to put Jesus to death? 11:50
- one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish
What was the conclusion of the Sanhedrin? 11:53, 57
-Jesus death
What scripture supports Caiaphas’ argument?
- No where
- blind spot: high priest, pope are always right.
- No one could stand against high authority

Why did the Sanhedrin support Caiaphas?
-too much power to High priest
Why did none of them discuss the resurrection?
-their goal is killing Jesus
Why did Caiaphas try to kill Jesus?
-crime VS truth and goodness
-temple system made Jesus criminal.
-Jesus is a national threat
-fear of his position as high priest
-parable of tenant: they tried to kill Jesus because Jesus is the heritor

7. What did Caiaphas unknowingly prophesy about Jesus? 11:51,52
-He prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation: Jesus died for the kingdom of God
-not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God: bring gentiles as God’s family
-Jesus death on the cross: religious leaders-victory

8. Was Jesus aware of the decision of the Sanhedrin? 11:54
What did Jesus do when He felt death coming nearer and nearer to Him?
-v.54 Therefore Jesus no longer moved about publicly among the people of Judea

9. The crowd looked for Jesus. Why couldn’t they find Jesus? 11:56
-v.56 They kept looking for Jesus. Jesus fled from Jews
-The name Jesus is banned in Israel till now.

10. Eventually the high priest succeeded in arresting and killing Jesus.
Does evil win over good?
-Jesus won the world through the resurrection
-The truth will win and suffer