Gospel John Bible Study #63
John 20:10-18 Jesus Appears To Mary Magdalene.

1. What did the disciples do after investigating the empty tomb of Jesus? 20:10
=They went back to their homes
2. Describe Mary who was weeping alone outside of the tomb in the darkness of dawn. 20:11
=she was so miserable without Jesus
Why didn’t she return home like the disciples? 20:11, 15b
=Whom are you seeking?
=she had determination for finding Jesus
=love was holding Mary
=it showed how much she loved Jesus
To whom did the angels and the risen Jesus reveal themselves, the disciples or Mary?
=they appeared to Mary
=it is about heart

3. As she wept, what did she do and whom did she see? 20:11,12
=she saw two angles in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had lain
What did the angel ask Mary? 20:13a
=Woman, why are you weeping?
Why was Mary crying? 20:13b
=They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him
Why was her crying absurd even though it was sincere?
=Jesus has risen
=there is no dead body
=Her own thought, she cried

4. Whom else did Mary see? 20:14
=she saw Jesus
Who did Mary think the risen Jesus was? 20:15
Why did risen Jesus ask Mary the same question? 20:15
=Woman why are you weeping?
What new question did Jesus add?
=Whom are you seeking?
=changing topic
Whom did Mary suspect as one who stole the body of Jesus? 20:15b
=Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away

5. When did Mary recognize Jesus? 20:16, John 10:3b, 27
=When Jesus called Mary
=John 10:3b, 27 the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out
27 my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me
When Mary recognized Jesus, what did she cry out? 20:16

6. What did Jesus ask her not to do? 20:17
=do not cling to me
What was the reason Jesus asked her not to touch him? 20:17
=For I have not yet ascended to the Father, but go to my brothers and say to them
What should Mary learn from this?
=Now Jesus came out of flesh. Jesus has been resurrected
What might the risen Jesus focus on doing till His ascension?
=Jesus needed to focus
=teaching and put resurrection heart
How might Mary be able to serve Jesus in His preparation of ascension to the Father?
=no more cry, she now had her mission
What mission did Jesus give Mary? What message should Mary deliver? 20:17b
=delivering message
=message of victory
When Jesus sent Mary with R. message, what kind of resurrection faith did Jesus initiate?
=faith without seeing
7. What did Jesus call his disciples in the past and after resurrection? 15:15, 20:17
Why did Jesus say ‘my Father and your Father’ instead of our Father? 20:17b
=My father and your father
Why did Jesus say ‘my God and your God’ instead of our God?
=Jesus is real son, We are adapted to this world.
8. What did Mary do? 20:18,
=Mary went and announced to the disciples “I have seen the Lord”
How did the disciples accept the resurrection message Mary delivered? Mark16:11
=Mary was possessed by 7 demons
=they would not believe it
How did Mary’s faith grow in Jesus?
a. Mark 16:9
b. John 20:11
c. John 20:17,18
=Mary’s faith: a. 7 demons, a crazy, grace, healed, thankful
b. Galilee-Jerusalem-weeping
c. messenger of resurrection
Grace is not enough, we need resurrection