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Gospel Luke Bible Study #62
Luke 20:41-47 Whose Son Is The Christ?

1. To whom did Jesus say this? 20:41
What did they teach about the Christ? 20:41
What Scriptures tell that the Christ would be the Son of David? 2Samuel 7:13,14
2. Read psalm 110:1.
Who said to whom?
What did the Lord say to David’s Lord?
How might ‘my Lord’ feel to hear the word of the Lord?
=God said to Jesus: The Lord said to my Lord
How does this passage prove the divinity of the Christ?
=Christ is near to God
What else passage say about the divinity of the Christ?
=John 1:14 The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
=Isaiah 9:6 wonderful counselor and mighty God

3. Please, answer Jesus’ question; “David calls him ‘Lord’.
How then can he be his son?” 20:44
=David: B.C 1000
=Jesus: A.D 29, 30
What was the popular idea of the Christ among the Jews at that time?
=Christ will be descendent of David who will build the powerful kingdom on earth.
What did Jesus try to correct?
=Jesus is God and perfect human.
Why is it so important to have the right understanding about the Christ?
=it will lead to eternity
Why didn’t Jesus give a definite answer but left it as a question?
=all truths are written in the Bible

4. What warnings did Jesus give to His disciples? 20:46,47
= Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues
a. Who were the teachers of the law?
=Rabbis and Pharisees
b. What were the basic guide lines for a Rabbi’s life?
=having a job
c. They walk around in flowing robes. – why?
=to be acknowledged
d. They love to be greeted in the market places. – why?
= to receive the honor
e. They have the most important seats in the synagogues. – why?
=most educated rabbi
f. They have the places of honor at banquets. – why?
=real world system
g. They devour widow’s houses. – why?
=they love money
h. They make lengthy prayers. – why?
=show others how much they are spiritual.
i. Some of their teachings; Respect for a teacher should exceed respect for a father, for both father and son owe respect to a teacher.
If a man’s father and teacher have lost anything, whose lost should a man try to recover first?
If a man’s father and teacher are carrying burdens, whose burden should a man help first?
=you have to help teacher first.
If a man’s father and teacher are in captivity, whose ransom should a man pay first?
=rescue Rabbi first
Whoever puts part of his income into the purse of the wise, is counted worthy of a seat in the heavenly academy.
Whoever harbors a disciple of the wise in his house is counted as if he offered a daily sacrifice.
j What kind of sins did they commit in the eyes of God?
=The teachers of the Law: teaching about the Christ
=they follow natural desires
=they should be devoted to Jesus
=Blind to honor, money, position. Satan used them

5. How do you present Christ Jesus?
=We are able to teach who is Jesus.
=His identity, his death, his resurrection and his command
=Jesus prayer, Jesus works, Jesus mission
=Grace of Jesus, tribulation, millennium, Judgement