Gospel Luke Bible Study #3
Luke 3:1-6 The Word of God Came to John

1. When did John the Baptist’ ministry begin? 3:1
=Caesar Augustus AD 14 died.
=Tiberius Caesar AD 15
=John started 28/29 AD
Who was the supreme political authority over Judea? 3:1
How did Tiberius become an emperor?
=Caesar Augustus married three times.
=1st married divorce, 2nd married divorce and 3rd wife’s son(Tiberius)
=Tiberius married with Julia

2. Who was the governor of Judea? 3:1
=Pontius Pilate
For what has his name been known in church history?
=He sentenced Jesus to death

3. Who was the tetrarch of Galilee? 3:1
=after 4 B.C. Herod the great
=Herod Antipas tetrarch ruled 1 out of 4 of Israel
What sin of Herod did John the Baptist rebuke publicly? Mk 6:18
=He married with his brother’s wife
What did Herod do to John? Mk 6:27,28
=27,28 And immediately the king sent and executioner with orders to bring John’s head
How did he persecute the church? Acts 12:1,2
=He persecuted the church and killed James the brother of John

4. Who was the tetrarch of Ituraea and Trachonitis?
Who was the tetrarch of Abilene?
5. Who was the high priest Annas? 3:2
=He persecuted Jesus
=It was life-term position, but now Roman appointed the high priest Annas
Who was the high priest Caiaphas? 3:2 What was his evil achievement?
=He is the son in Law of Annas
=He is political manipulator

6. What do all these political and religious leaders tell about the time John lived?
=dark and evil
What might be the possible career choices for the young people of Israel?
=Roman soldier or Herodian, Tax collector

7. Who was the father of John?
=the man of faith Zechariah
What kind of privileged life did John have from birth?
=most honorable position
=his job was secured
How was John raised by his parents? Lk 1:15, 76
=15 for he will be great before the Lord. And he must not drink wine or strong drink,
and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb
=76 And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go
before the Lord to prepare his ways
Why wasn’t John in the temple but in the wilderness?
=the temple was dead and corrupt
=he was enduring hardship
What might John have been doing in the wilderness?
=seeking God’s answer
=crying and shouting
=going close to God, but away from people

8. When was the last time the word of God came to Israel?
=400 years ago
About whose coming do Malachi 4:5,6 prophesy?
=5,6 “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.
And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers”
9. To whom did the word of God come?
=the word of God came to John in the desert
=the word of God came with power to change one’s life
What word might have come to John? 3:4,5,6
=The voice of one crying in the wilderness: prepare the way of the Lord, make hi paths straight.
Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low and
the crooked shall become straight
What did John find as the identity of his life? 3:4
=the voice of one crying in the wilderness
What did John find as the mission of his life? 3:4, 6
=prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight
=John prepared peoples’ hearts to accept Jesus
=people are not interested in Jesus. I am not a sinner
In what environment was he going to work? 3:4
=wilderness-physically and spiritually
What dynamic changes were prophesied? 3:5
=Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low
and the crooked shall be become straight and the rough places shall become level ways
=It is about hearts
=valley: depression
=mountain: proud heart
=crooked: no thankful heart
=rough: cold heart

10. What was the core problem of Israel in his generation?
=sin: your own sin
=problem is in your heart
=you are under God’s judgement
After receiving the word what did John do? 3:3
=repentance for the forgiveness of sins
What was God doing through John? 3:4,5,6, Malachi 4:5,6
=Malachi 4:5, 6 coming of John the Baptist
=John is the bridge between O.T and N.T
=God started His salvation work from John the Baptist