Mark 10:1-12 DIVORCE

1. Discuss about divorce at the time of Jesus.
a. King Herod and Herodias – very sensitive issue because of John the Baptist beheaded.
b. Deut 24:1-4 – indecent(anything displease her husband, another one say premarital sex)

c. Something indecent = some uncleanness
Interpretation of the followers of Rabbi Hillel
Interpretation of the followers of Rabbi Shimmai

2. What question did the Pharisees ask Jesus? 10:2

3. Why does this question test Jesus?
If Jesus answered ‘no’ to divorce, against Moses Law –They can arrest Jesus
If Jesus answered ‘yes’ to divorce,

4. In response what did Jesus ask them?
10:3 Jesus didn’t say Yes or No

5. The Pharisees answered their own question.
Why couldn’t they trap Jesus with their question?
Moses’s divorce Law.- from man’s desire
Jesus went to the truth God’s design of marriage. Based on God’s truth.
We should hold God’s truth
6. Why did Moses permit divorce? 10:5
It was because your hearts were hard
Matthew 19:9 marital unfaithfulness.
7. Who is the origin of marriage? What was the purpose of establishing marriage?
Marriage is God’s design. Genesis 2.
Helper to serve God together.
Happiness of man and woman.
God wants them to produce Godly children.

God – together and happiness is byproduct.
8. What does it mean that God made male and female? 10:6
Male + female
No male + male
No female + female

9. What kind of unity does it mean in 10:7?
Unity- deeper relationship than parent
Must leave his father and mother.

10. What kind of unity does it mean in 10:8?
One in flesh-sleep together
1 Corinthians 7 4-5 Wife and husband should be together. They own each other.
One in mind. No secret. Secret makes war. Be honest each other.
One in spirit. Bible study together, pray together
One similar look
They are total strangers but marriage is the course of becoming one flesh.
Some marriage is parallel. They never come one.
Ex) I am going to marry like my father. Marry with dreams
*God’s will gradually understand each other, and become one.
Some marriage is going farther more by time pass.
Solution – give up dream. Stand other person’s side (on the other side)
Unbelievable happiness.
11. Based on 10:9 what does a right of divorce of man or woman imply?
Sickness, quarrels, differences, irreconcilability.
Malachi 2 13-16 strait your marriage life first, then God will listen to you.
12. Does divorce certification set one free to marry another? Can one repeat divorce-marry-divorce-marry as many times as he or she wants? What is under ‘divorce-remarry’?
Legal- divorce-remarry
For Jesus, adultery
Luke 16:18
1 Corinthians 7 10-11
13. What was the response of the disciples to the teaching of Jesus? Why?
Matt 19:10
It is better, not to marry
14. Jesus says sin as sin, adultery as adultery. What has Jesus done for these sins?
Divorce is sin and adultery.