1. What was the disciples’ response when they saw the temple? Who built this temple?
13:1. This was built by B.C 500 first. Herod the great remodeled in the third.
10,000 people worked everyday for building the temple.

2. What was Jesus’ view of the temple?
13:2 It’s going to be destroyed.

3. Who came to Jesus to ask further?
13:3 Peter, James, John and Andrew.

4. What did they ask Jesus?
What will be the sign?
Matthew 24:3- Jesus’ second coming and the end of the age.

5. What was in their minds when they ask these questions?
Temple destruction = the end
Kingdom of God = glory and success
Jesus – blessing and success – the end
Temple destroyed A.D 70. (During 300 years all Christians endured severe trial)

6. What should be the proper answer?
40years later

7. Jesus answered from verse 5-37 to their questions. We will study verses 5-13 today.
What is the world like where we live in? What should we do facing this?
13:5, 6, 22, 23
V5 watch out / deceive
V6 many anti – Christ /deceive
V22 false Christ /deceptions
False prophets
False doctrine
The elect
*watch out and be on your guard
(Bible study, pray, books, Jesus identity)
We have to be alert.

8. What else happens and is going to happen in this world? What should we do facing this?
13:7, 8
Wars & rumors – fear
Natural disasters- fear and hardship
Losing discernment by fear.
Do not be alarmed.
By Jesus 2nd coming, the world will end.

9. What is the characteristic of birth pain? (Only women answer. Men do not know what it is.)
Pain is growing gradually.
Troubles, hardship, wars, persecution. Getting worse.

10. What degree of persecution will the believers face?
V.9. flogging, tortures
V.11. Arrested & trial
V.12. Death
V.13. Hated

11. What should we do facing persecution?
13:9 witnesses of the gospel. The gospel is more important than my life.
13:11 The Holy Spirit will speak through you.
13:13 Because of Jesus.
We are not victims, but victors.

12. Why is v.10 mentioned in the middle of persecutions?
The gospel testifies by persecutions.
The gospel can powerful be preached with persecution.

13. Why didn’t Jesus tell the time but teach these?
How to face
How to go through fire, water, hunger, persecutions.
How to overcome
How to stand firm
Victory is not about condition, but about our heart attitude.

14. Who can stand firm to the end?
Pain, trials, suffering come with Jesus.
Deceivers, wars, famine, persecution.
#stand firm#