Between the Lines - a podcast that goes beneath the surface as we look deep into the Bible by looking between the lines of our own lives.

What is the Cake Edition? This series is why I created Between the Lines. In my personal devotionals with God, I love to study His word. There was one season in my devotional life where I began getting crumbs. Like the word became so bland and so shallow, nothing was sticking to me. I would read a verse of the day to simply carry on the habit of reading my Bible, but I wasn't taking the time or putting in the effort to just sit at Jesus' feet to receive some quality bread. In my frustration, I started praying, "God, what is this? I want some quality bread. QUALITY BREAD. I'm done with these cheap leftover crumbs."
Song of Solomon 2:5 came to me and I was like, "Wait a five seconds... Are you telling me that I can ask for CAKE?" And ever since then, I started to boldly ask God to give me cake---cake that I'm willing to share with everyone around me because that's just how good it is. So the lessons I learned from Acts 18:4-11 is the first cake that I'd like to share with you all!

Special thanks to Matthew Subade for making this podcast's logo!

Manuscript available at -
Music by Terry Saige - Far Away -