
“Endurance in the Last Days”
Part Two
Luke 21: 20-38

1. The RUIN of the temple includes a warning.
Vs. 20-24a

1) There is a general warning for all PEOPLE to flee.
This did take place in 70 A. D. just 40 years after Jesus had said it would take place.

The reason we know that Jesus was referring to an event yet in the future is based on verse 22
Isa 34: 8

2) There is a PARTICULAR concern for Jewish Mothers.
Vs. 23
Deut 28: 49-57

3) There is the PREDICTION for Jewish survivors.
Vs. 24
Josephus says that 97,000 Jews were taken captive and marched to Rome and then dispersed all over the world.

In Matthew’s gospel Jesus quotes the prophet Daniel. Matt 24: 15-22
Is this the same event that Jesus is speaking about in Luke’s gospel?
The destruction of the city of Jerusalem takes place at the end of the Tribulation. It is part of the Battles of Armageddon.

2. The RULE of the Gentiles.
Vs. 24b
What are the “times of the Gentiles”.
1) Some believe this refers to the SALVATION of Gentile converts.

2) This refers to the SOVEREIGN rule of Jerusalem.
The Jews once again rule Jerusalem permanently.
We know that the Jews now rule Jerusalem, but it is only temporary.

The word times, does not refer to chronological time.
The word refers to seasons of times and suggests gaps in time. The time of the gentiles has existed since the Babylonian captivity.

When will the times of the Gentiles be over or fulfilled?
Rom 11: 25-27, Zech 12: 10

3. The RETURN of Jesus.
Vs. 25-33
1) When He returns there are physical changes in the stellar ATMOSPHERE.
Vs. 25 "And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars;

Rev 6 :12-14

2) When He returns it will be during great national APPREHENSION.
The return of the Lord is described to us in Rev. 15-19

3) When He returns, men’s hearts are filled ANXIETY.
Vs. 26
Rev 6: 15-17
There will be those who know that it is a judgment of God and yet they will not repent and humble themselves before God.

4) When He returns ALL mankind will see him.
Vs. 27
Luke say Jesus will come on the clouds with great glory. Rev 1:7
Jesus will return at that hour when Israel is about to be defeated by the Gentile armies of the Anti-Christ (Zech. 12).

4. There is a group of people that should REALIZE the end is near.
Vs. 29-33

1) The PLAIN meaning of the phrase, “fig trees and all the trees”.
Often in the Old Testament the fig tree is a sign for the nation of Israel. But notice that Luke adds and all the trees.

The parable is then not about fig trees.
What is the main principle of the parable?
The trees are an indication when summer is near.
The main message is "watch".

2) The PARTICULAR group of people who are “this generation”.
Who is this generation?
There are several views.

This generation is yet future.
This word, generation, is also translated "race" and therefore, would be a reference to the Jews themselves.

4. There is an exhortation to be READY.
Vs. 34-38
1) Do not be UNAWARE.
Know! And watch!

2) Do not be UNPREPARED.
Jesus is saying that there are things in this life that can weigh you down and keep you from receiving the gospel.

Bible, Truth, Teach, Learn, God, Jesus, Word, Hawaii, Kailua, Windward, New Testament, Old Testament, Disciple, Transform, Believe, Strength, Might, Power, Sovereign, Reign,Life, Death, Eternity, Holy Spirit, Trinity, Hallelujah, Calvary, Chapel, Sound Doctrine, Precept, Heart, Lord, Rule, Judgment, Salvation, Mystery, Godliness

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