Huge problems and objections with Calvinism in John 6:27-71! What does Effectual Calling mean? What is Irresistible Grace in Calvinism? Questions to be asked is does Jesus Christ teach Irresistible Grace in Calvinism's TULIP (Doctrines of Grace) in John 6:37 (all the Father gives), John 6:44 (no one can come unless the Father draws them/regeneration precedes faith), John 6:65 (no one can come to Jesus unless it has been granted by the Father)? Or does Jesus teach He came for the world, anyone, everyone, as John 6:27-29, John 6:32-33, John 6:38-40, John 6:50-52 teaches? Which view is right? Could both be right? Some known Reformed Theology pastors are people like John MacArthur, John Piper, James White, Matt Slick, Jeff Durbin, RC Sproul, and others who are Calvinists. The Calvinism vs Arminian debate on Soteriology (study of Salvation) has been going on for 100's and 100's of years. I am neither Calvinist nor Arminian, more along the same views (Provisionist) as Dr. Leighton Flowers from Soteriology 101 channel.

***This is an exegeisis of John 6:27-71 on does it teach the Calvinist doctrine called Effectual Calling aka Irresistible Grace? There are many objections and problems with Calvinism in John 6 that are examined in this video***

What does Jesus mean in John 6:37 that all the Father gives (didomi) Me will come to Me?

What does it it mean in John 6:44 that no one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws (helko) them?

What does it mean in John 6:45 that all will be taught (didaktos) by God, and all those who (akouo) hear and learn (manthano) from the Father will comes to Jesus?

What does it mean in John 6:65 that no one can come to Jesus unless it has been granted (didomi) by the Father?

Did the Father fail by sending giving (didomi) Jesus the true bread to the world when they did not believe?

Check Out Links and Debates Below:

Kelly Powers vs Matt Slick (CARM) Debate Eschatology, Total Depravity, Limited Atonement

Kelly Powers vs TurretinFan Debate: Does John 6 Teach the Calvinist Doctrine Effectual Calling (Irresistible Grace/Regeneration Precedes Faith to Believe in Jesus Christ)

Kelly Powers vs 2 Calvinists Debate John 3:16 on Limited Atonement

Calvinism vs Arminianism Debate: What's Wrong with Calvinism and John 3:16?

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Kelly Powers
aka The Sermonator