No matter how hard one may try, the law cannot save or sanctify anyone. In this sermon on Romans 7:14–15 titled “Carnal Man: 1) Situation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones unpacks Paul’s words to the church at Rome, explaining that the law cannot justify or purify sinners. The law then becomes the means for condemnation, not because there is something wrong with the law, but because there is something wrong with humanity. Paul is lamenting that a carnal person is sold into slavery to sin. They yearn to do what the law says, but understand they cannot keep the law. However, because of Christ’s work on the cross, they are now a slave to righteousness. These verses are not speaking to the unregenerate, but instead the to inward struggle of the regenerate. Those who are without Christ would not understand this type of inward conflict nor would they condemn sin like Paul does here. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that Paul is not saying that he never does any good and is probably referring more to his thoughts than his deeds. Those who have this inward spiritual battle should continue the fight because Christ has conquered death and they are alive in Him.