This message visits the events of the Last Supper that Jesus shared with His disciples. Christ shared bread and wine, inviting His friends (and us) to remember that He gave His body and blood for us, for the salvation of sins. We need God’s grace for our spiritual nourishment, just as we need physical food to sustain our bodies. This message describes the practice of communion and why we do it in church, celebrating the saving work of our Lord.

Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus gave His life for ours. He came to serve and to sacrifice for our sake. In the Old Testament, animal offerings were required to atone for sin. The Jews celebrated Passover to recall the flight from Egypt, during which Hebrew families were saved by the blood of lambs covering their doorways. During the Last Supper, Jesus ate the Passover meal with His disciples, but was preparing to become the ultimate sacrificial lamb. His blood covers us and removes our sins. We should remember this with communion and always!