Steve and Courtney Cohen, Now Found
Existing children in our homes are often left alone or gain added responsibilities while we acclimate new children to the family. Discover how to navigate wide- ranging emotions, healthy vulnerability and communication. Steve and Courtney help you navigate these challenging yet healing conversations with your child.

Steve Cohen and Courtney Cohen co- founded Now Found from a place of their own brokenness. The heart behind Now Found is “never too lost to be found.” Their “foster & adopt” initiative resources help people care for the orphan with compassion and healing of the soul.


Our Mission:
Our mission at Prestonwood Baptist Church is to glorify God by introducing Jesus Christ as Lord to as many people as possible and to develop them in Christian living using the most effective means to impact the world, making an eternal difference in this generation.

Service Times:
Sunday - 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Domingo en Español - 2:00 p.m.

Have Questions? Connect Below...
Prestonwood - Prestonwood.org
Phone - (972) 820-5000
Plan Your Visit - http://prestonwood.org/i-am-new/plan-your-visit
Connect With a Ministry - http://prestonwood.org/connect
JG Daily Devotional - http://jackgraham.org/daily-word
Jack Graham - JackGraham.org

"The thing that drives our church is still and forever will be the Great Commission. For us, it is all about the Message—proclaiming it from the pulpit and getting it to as many people as possible." - Jack Graham