It's not by accident that you are here right at this moment. Stay. Lean in to hear what God has to say. *Today we are focusing on Colossians 1:5 NLT "You do this because you are looking forward to the joys of heaven – as you have been ever since you first heard the truth of the Good News."*

This weekday morning Bible study is an act of obedience. Joy Lee & Tara Ouellette are two ordinary #Biblenerds. They do not call themselves teachers or scholars, they just love the Lord with all their heart and #darenot act when called - even if we feel very ill-equipped. Since the global pandemic hit in 2020, Barn45 was the beautiful site where Joy, Tara, Jamie and other Godly leaders hosted in-person Bible Studies, workshops and counseling/coaching/mentoring session and all of that came to a halt.


During quarantine in March, Joy and Tara knew that God was up to something and really listened to what He was saying. They finally heard God loud and clear, "My children are hurting and no matter how much you both tell them The Remedy, they are still looking for peace, joy, hope, etc. in the things and patterns of this world. All the while my Word - My written and living Word - is all my children need. Call them home. Use the Bible and journal as the main source of attraction and I'll do the rest..." So Joy & Tara began using Facebook Live to invite others into how they connect with God during their personal Bible Study. Weekday mornings at 8:00 - 9:00. They started in Psalms and eventually moved into reading through one book, day-by-day, verse-by-verse. Joy (a social worker prior to having children, a pastoral counselor for nearly a decade, Bible study leader & speaker) and Tara (resigned from nearly 20 years in elementary education as a teacher/principal is now a Christian coach, Spirit-led group facilitator and speaker) have dedicated their lives to helping others. #butGod... it wasn't until this online global bible study that they have seen transformation like this comeUNITY shares! Of course! Jesus is enough! His Word heals our hurting hearts and transforms our lives so we can bring heaven to earth - TODAY! We adore you because God adored you first. Welcome to the Barn45 comeUNITY! Please come as you are and feel free to stay a while, BUT don't leave as you came. ;)

Connect with us as we are a work in progress. Psst...but, you won't find perfection here:
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