The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. — Proverbs 16:9

As men, we should dream, cast a vision, develop strategies, and ready our financial investments. But godly men never forget that there is one who has tactical command of all things. He has command over all creation and even the steps we take on the way through our life. He is our Lord. And he's ultimately going to decide the next steps in the plan. But this shouldn't quench our passion and our planning. It just means we should be willing to let go of our passions and planning when he has something different in mind. He is our Lord and the one who establishes our steps. And the Lord regulates this to remind us that he is always in control and will always have better plans than we could ever contrive. It's the way he trains us to always give glory to him, rather than stealing it for ourselves on those days we think our plan is so great.

So there are two potential practical responses to this proverb. First, if you are a man who feels a little confused about your next steps, then ask God to establish those steps. And when he does, give him credit. Second, if you are a man who feels a little over-confident in the plans you are making, then consider this — ask God to clarify his plan. I would do this before you get tripped up with some unexpected steps God puts in your path.

ASK THIS: Are you feeling more confused or over-confident today?

DO THIS: Bring your plans to God.

PRAY THIS: God, I need you to show me the way and the next steps I need to take.

PLAY THIS: God Will Work It Out — Naomi Raine & Israel Houghton.

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