It's been said that opposites attract. It's true for the north and south poles of magnets and It often feels true in relationships. While opposite personalities may be drawn to each other, it's what you have in common that keeps you together. The word community means "common unity." Christians celebrate the Lord's Supper which is also called communion. Christian communion is a sharing of deeply held thoughts, ideas and feelings about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

So here we stand my brothers and sisters; side by side, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. We look to the past and remember who we were and what we were before meeting Christ. We were lost sinners in need of a savior. We look to the present and examine ourselves. We acknowledge our sins and confess them to God and receive forgiveness. We look to the future knowing that Jesus will return and usher in a final supper when all will be made right. Our common unity in Jesus Christ binds us together. It compels us to express genuine love for each other. This is the way we build community.