Full time RV family of 9 shares what God is teaching them in another Crazy Faith segment.

Jay talks about Isaiah 46:8-11 and shares When In Times of Trial. 2020 has been a very tough year for everyone. In fact many would say it has been the worst year of their lives. Well hard and trying times are not new to Christians. They have been experiencing them since the very beginning. Judah experienced some great trials during their captivity by Babylon. In Isaiah 46 God gives them some words of encouragement to help them, that can help us today as well.

Crazy FAITH are weekly inspirational video devotions taught by Jay or Frances of Find Your Crazy. Through their YouTube channel they desire to share their crazy faith, crazy family and crazy fun. But the foundation of all those is their faith in Jesus Christ as taught through His word, the Bible.

Find Your Crazy chronicles the epic adventure of a full time RV family with seven kids, five adopted and two with special needs, as they travel the country to visit every continental National Park along with their two dogs and turtle.

Connect with them at www.findyourcrazy.org