Songs in the Bible

Songs can move us, inspire us, sadden us, thrill us. Couples often have a special song, perhaps their first dance! We naturally sing with our children – often its part of our bedtime routines. And of course, singing is linked to our gathered church – in fact one of the toughest things many miss at the moment is singing our worship together.
The people of God sing throughout scripture. The gathered sing at religious festivals. Individuals compose songs to God. Jesus and the disciples sing in the upper room. Paul and Silas are singing before the divine earthquake breaks them out of prison. And there is a real sense in the book of Revelation that the whole of heaven joins in songs of praise and worship.
This is the beginning of a two-week focus on some of the 180+ songs in scripture – this week and then a second week in mid-May. In fact, we have arranged for a variety of people to contribute to these two weeks – so lots of different voices and styles.
Perhaps during this time, you will be inspired to pen your own song or poem – something about your faith. It could be a song of faith – a song of hope – lament – doubt – celebration……. Why not join in with the rich heritage we have in our scriptures of people responding to God in this way.