But He said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.” Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going. - John 6: 20-21, NKJV


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- DAILY: Bible Verse - Daily Inspiration and Encouragement from the Bible
- MONDAYS: Homeschooling Helps
Beginning 2/1/2016
- TUESDAYS: Crafting and Creating
- WEDNESDAYS: Cooking and Food Storage
Beginning 3/16/2016
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Beginning 4/7/2016
- FRIDAYS: Natural Health and Healing
Beginning 2/19/2016
- SATURDAYS: Gardening and Micro-Farming
Beginning 3/5/2016

Music used via Creative Commons license: Music: Au Revoir by Circus Marcus
It was a dark and stormy night... while that might make for an excellent start of a novel, it was probably a terrifying prospect for the disciples being tossed in a boat on the sea. Then, to make things worse, they see what they think is a demon or ghost coming across the wind-whipped waves. Maybe this apparition was even the cause of the storm.

Even worse, they were alone. Y'shua had realized that some of the crowd they were ministering to was going to try to force Him into their image of who Messiah was supposed to be. They intended to take him by force and try to raise Him up as an earthly King to overthrow the Roman rule. He sent the disciples by boat to Capernaum and retreated into the mountain to privacy before mob mentality could overtake the remainder of the people.

The sea had been calm when they left the shore, but the winds came up suddenly. What a shock it must have been to go from feasting with the Lord to being tossed about in the darkness. They did everything in their power to get safely to shore. They had even taken to rowing in order to try to battle the waves that threatened to swallow them up. How could this be happening? Where was Y'shua? Had they been abandoned?

How often do we feel as if we are being battered by the storms of life? How often do we wonder if the Lord isn't hearing us? We've done everything to the best of our abilities. We've read His Word and tried to be good people... and it simply isn't enough. Life becomes dark and we don't trust our eyes when we see Him walking across the stormy waves towards us.

We can't do it without Him. Just as He saw the plight of the disciples from far away on the other shore, He keeps watch over us, too. He knows that the waves are battering us and that we are afraid. He knows the limits of our human strength. And, when we least expect Him to be there, He will come walking across the storm toward us, saying, "It is I. Do not be afraid."

How can I pray for you today?