Today I’ll be praying from Proverbs 25:5 in the New Living Translation.
Focused on the Theme: Justice

"Remove the wicked from the king’s court, and his reign will be made secure by justice." Proverbs 25:5 NLT

Let’s Pray:
Lord, we pray for every governmental position in our nation. We pray that the wicked would be removed from every position of influence, that they would be exposed for who they truly are, that those with the ability to remove them will have the strength to remove them. We pray that our governmental official’s time in office would be made secure by justice. We pray that the wicked will not thwart your plans for our nation and cities, counties, towns, municipalities in our nation. We pray that the Lord will move in power and might and express His Justice in our nation’s governmental system. We love you, Lord! In the name of Jesus, Amen.