Day 39 #100DaysofPrayer (Isaiah 59:11)

Focused on the Theme: Justice

Today I’ll be praying from Isaiah 59:11 in the New Living Translation.

"We growl like hungry bears; we moan like mournful doves. We look for justice, but it never comes. We look for rescue, but it is far away from us." Isaiah 59:11 NLT

Let’s Pray:
Lord, there is a correlation between our sin and injustice. The greater the sin of Your Church, the greater the injustice is in our nation. We are hungry for You, for Your Presence, for Your Justice. So we repent. We repent for every way we have transgressed against You. We repent for every way we have aided injustice. We repent for every way we have forsaken what You have shown and taught us. We remain expectant that your Justice will reign in our nation. We are believing You for Justice and turn from our wicked ways. In the name of Jesus, Amen.