Day 67 #100DaysofPrayer (Acts 28:4)

Focused on the Theme: Justice

Today I’ll be praying from Acts 28:4 in the New Living Translation.

"The people of the island saw it hanging from his hand and said to each other, 'A murderer, no doubt! Though he escaped the sea, justice will not permit him to live.'” Acts 28:4 NLT

Let’s Pray:
Oh, Lord, the false perspective of observers with no understanding is so disturbing. These islanders judged Paul solely by what happened to him. Lord, we repent for every time we have judged others by what has happened to them instead of asking You for revelation of their heart or who they are in You. We understand that circumstances (no matter how horrid) do not indicate Your punishment or Your judgment. We desire to have Your mind, Your understanding, and Your wisdom concerning every circumstance we observe or encounter so we are not trapped into wrong judgment and analysis. We love you, Lord, and do desire Your heart and understanding in every circumstance. In the name of Jesus, Amen.