This is DAY 7 of THROUGH THE BIBLE, 365 Days of Scripture Meditations. This 365 Day meditation on God's Word program is designed to help you go deep into God's Word by listening to God's Word every day and meditating on it. This 365 Day meditation on God's Word helps you to develop a habit of daily Scripture reading and meditation.

We encourage you to use the ancient Scripture Meditation practice known as the "Lectio Divina" in which you LISTEN to God's Word, MEDITATE on what that Word is saying, PRAY over the Word of God, and CONTEMPLATE what God is saying to you or asking you to do.

Each of these daily Scripture readings has been carefully chosen in order to select the most important Scripture passages throughout the Bible. Each passage is full of Biblical insight and theological foundations.

If you complete THROUGH THE BIBLE'S entire year's worth of Scripture readings you will have taken a thorough journey through the most important passages of the Bible and you will have a depth of biblical-theological knowledge that will enrich your life for years to come.

We will spend 365 days listening to God's Word and hearing God speak to us personally. We will spend 365 days traveling through the Bible for a deeper understanding of what God wants to say. We will take 365 days to enjoy a depth and breadth of Scripture that will cover every major theme of the Word of God.

It is our prayer that THROUGH THE BIBLE will be enriched by hearing God's Word every day and that you will be blessed by God through meditating on His Word.

The Bible tells us that the person whose "delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night," (Psalm 1:2) is blessed. It also says that "faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ" (Romans 10:17).

Our prayer is that you will delight in the Word of God every day and that he will bless you through your love for His Word, and that you will be "like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers"(Psalm 1:3).
