A live show hosted by #GregStafford weekdays and Saturdays starting between 5:30 and 6:30 AM PST and lasting for about 20-45 minutes as we discuss biblical and other ancient texts which are grouped together as they relate to specific subjects.

This show will be about #1John 1:5-10 according to #TheGreatMessage translation:

1:5 This is the message which we have heard from him and which we are announcing to you, namely, God is a light [or, "a fire"] and darkness is not in him at all.

1:6 If we should say we have a close association [or, "relationship"] with him and if we should continue to walk around in darkness, we are lying and we are not living according to the truth.

1:7 But if we should walk in the light as he is in the light we will have a close association with each other and the blood of Jesus, his Son, will cleanse us from every kind of sin.

1:8 If ever we should say we have no sin [or, "wrongdoing"] in ourselves, we are deceived and the truth is not in us.

1:9 If ever we should openly admit our sins [or, "our wrongdoings"], he is faithful and righteous so that he will likely forgive us for our sins, and purify us from every form of unrighteousness.

1:10 If ever we should say we have not sinned [or, "we have not done wrong"], we are making him [= "God," from verse 5] a liar and his message is not in us.

Read more from the letter of 1 John here (registration required): http://christianwjah.proboards.com/thread/25/great-message-tgm-john-complete#ixzz5nRgtz4Hi

Papyri and manuscripts of 1 John include:

P9 / P.Oxy 402 (250 CE)
Codex Sinaiticus (4th century CE)
Codex Vaticanus (4th century CE)
Codex Alexandrinus (4th century CE)
P74 / P. Bodmer XVII (650 CE)

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