A live show hosted by #GregStafford weekdays and Saturdays at 6:00 AM PST to discuss biblical and other ancient texts which are grouped together as they relate to specific subjects.

This show will be about #2Peter 3:14-17 according to #TheGreatMessage translation:

3:14 For this reason, dearly loved, as you wait for these things you must have a very serious mind, without any unresolved issues [or, "without stains"], and without any reasons for blame [or, "without problems not corrected"], in order to be found by him in peace.

3:15 You must regard the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our dearly loved brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given to him.

3:16 In all of his letters he talks in them about these things, in which there are some things difficult to understand, which uninformed and unstable people torture, along with the rest of the sacred writings, to their own annihilation.

3:17 Therefore, dearly loved, since you know about these things in advance you must be on your guard so you are not misled by the delusion of people with no sense of right and wrong. This way you may not lose your standing [or, "balance," "footing"].

Read more from the letter of 2 Peter here (registration required): http://christianwjah.proboards.com/thread/36/great-message-tgm-2-peter#ixzz5mtm1MnSd

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