A live discussion of "Day Texts" for Monday, February 18, 2019 — #Hebrews 11:12-16 (Greek) from The Great Message translation:

11:12 So, then, from one man came to be born children like the stars of heaven in their population, innumerable, even as the sand along the edge of the sea. These all came to be from #Abraham, who was also near death.

11:13 Because of faith all these people died without receiving the promises. Instead, they saw the promises in the future and they showed proper respect and openly acknowledged they are strangers and visitors in the land [or, "exiles upon the earth," after humans were expelled from #Eden (Genesis 3:23-24)].

11:14 Indeed, those saying things like these make it clear they really do desire their original homeland [or, "the home of their fathers"].

11:15 Now if they were mindful of that original homeland from which they left, they would likely have received a set time to return.

11:16 But now they reach out for a better homeland; this is a heavenly homeland. For this reason God is not embarrassed at them when he is called their God.

Read more from the letter to the Hebrews here: http://christianwjah.proboards.com/thread/32/great-message-tgm-hebrews#ixzz5duGgB598

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