A live discussion of "Day Texts" for Wednesday, February 27, 2019 — Hebrews 12:7-11 (Greek) from The Great Message translation:

12:7 When it comes to discipline, you must remain strong. God is treating you like sons. For what son is there whom his father will not correct?

12:8 But if you are without discipline, which all of us have come to share, then you are not legitimate sons.

12:9 Moreover, on the one hand we used to have our human fathers discipline us, and in turn we gave them our respect. Should we not even more so, then, subject ourselves to the Father of spirits, and we will live?

12:10 For our human fathers disciplined us for just a short while, perhaps for days, according to what seemed right to them. But the Father of spirits disciplines us for our own good, with the result that we experience part of his holy character.

12:11 Of course, on the one hand discipline, when it is taking place, never seems to make anyone happy but instead a disciplined person is sad. Yet, after it is over the discipline yields a peaceful reward, that is, righteousness with God.

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