A live show hosted by #GregStafford every weekday at 5:00 AM PST to discuss biblical and other ancient texts which are grouped together as they relate to specific subjects.

This show will be about James 2:20-24 according to #TheGreatMessage translation:

2:20 But are you willing to recognize, O foolish man, that belief based on good reasons [or, "faith"], apart from works is useless?

2:21 Was not Abraham our Father considered righteous as a result of works when he was offering up Isaac, his son, upon the altar?

2:22 You see that reasonable belief [or, "faith"] was joined together with his actions [or, "works"] and because of the things he did Abraham's reasonable belief was made manifest [or, "fulfilled"].

[Note on 2:22, “reasonable belief”: Abraham listened to Jah's/his angel's voice (Genesis 22:1-2), and so his belief was "reasonable," not blind, and that is why he actually started to offer up his son, manifesting or fulfilling his belief. For more on "faith," see the article referenced in the notes on James 1:6 and 2:14.]

2:23 And so the historical writing [or, "sacred writing"] was fulfilled which says, "Abraham trusted in God and it was credited to him as righteousness," and as a result he was called, "A friend of God."

2:24 You must see that from works a man is shown to be righteous, and not from faith alone [or, "and not simply because of his belief"].


1) Article by Greg Stafford on PISTIS (“faith”): http://elihubooks.blogspot.com/2010/05/pistis.html

2) Read more from the letter of James here (registration required): http://christianwjah.proboards.com/thread/21/great-message-tgm-james-complete#ixzz5hq1NQVJe