Peace is a word that comes up often this time of year. So, too, does hope, joy, glory, celebration, and so on. Yet, the word peace today seems to have more to do with the alleviation of bad situations more so than the person of Jesus! Today, we turn to the prophet Micah who directs us not to the happenings around us, but the birth of the Savior that happened among us. In this way, we see that peace has arrived – a peace that may be better stated as “shalom”, the Biblical word that takes peace to it’s extreme end and we find that this “shalom” is made ours by God’s grace alone.

Today’s service is led by Pastor Tom Roma and Pastor Jason Auringer
Sermon Title: “Some Christmas Shalom”
Texts: Micah 5:2-5a, Hebrews 10:5-10 and Luke 1:39-45
Music: Jordan Glock (Organ – 8:00am) and Praise Team (11:00am)
Fourth Sunday in Advent – 12.19.2021

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