Today's reflection from Mark is from Matthew 2:16-18. In this passage, we read about the horrific sin and evil in Herod's heart - to kill all the boys two years old and under.

The truth is there have been many Herod's throughout history. Even in our world today there are Herod's exploiting the vulnerable and causing great pain.

Jesus did not perish in Herod's wicked plan. Jesus' father was warned of Herod's intent, and they fled. But more than that, Jesus is God. Jesus is our great hope. Jesus would go on to teach us how to live and eventually to die on a cross for your sin and mine. He died so that one day all evil would have an ending, and all things would be made right before God.

Jesus came into the world to welcome you. He welcomes everyone – every tribe, people, nation, and language. We see His love and warm embrace expressed throughout His life on earth, especially at the table. At His table the hungry are filled, the hurting are healed, and the hopeless find true hope.

The good news of the Gospel is that there is a place for each of us at His table. Jesus welcomes us just as we are – and He invites us to extend this welcome to others too.

#WelcomeMore #WelcomeJesus