Trinity Baptist Community Church International is shepherd under the direction of

1. The world should love, awe, reverence, adore and worship God "Because of Who He Is (3-5).
2. The world should love, awe, reverence, adore and worship God "Because of What He has done. (6-9)
3. The world should love, awe, reverence, adore and worship God "Because of What He is Doing and Promising (18-22) Acts 17:28, 1 John 4:18
Bishop Dr. Michael J. Love. Trinity is a preaching, teaching, reaching church. Under the direction of Bishop Love, Trinity has over 100 ministries along with global expansion church planting in Haiti, Dominican Republic and 37 churches in India. Please come out and join Bishop Dr. Michael J. Love as he critically impart the Word of God Trinity Baptist Community Church International