Completed over the span of about two weeks (including first sketches/outline).

The story with which this PMV is involved is set in a universe where all mythological entities, cryptids, ghosts, and other such things (called "monsters" as a group) exist. This is exploited by the country of focus (loosely based on America, as that's the only place I've lived) - the country is at war with another (the "why" is unimportant, here), and is funding efforts to alter non-sapient monsters' DNA with shapeshifter DNA*, with the idea being to make them sapient (and thus controllable) and use them as weapons against the other country (which, to this country's knowledge, hasn't thought of doing so).
By the end of the war, the scientists running the project have more questions than they started with, but they know funding will be cut off as soon as the war's over and the public is forced to consider the morality of what'd been done. So, they start altering assorted monster DNA in different ways (still using shapeshifter DNA, but also doing other things). They ended up with nine such experiments, who they ejected into the war when it appeared to be only a few months from over.
The character this PMV is centered on is Candy, a jackalope. Although she was one of the nine created in the middle of the experiment, she was the last to be released into the war. As a jackalope, her only real (outside human) use was scouting, so she got away with few wounds (the notch in her ear being from a bullet, barely missed). Soon enough, the war comes to an end, and all of the monsters made for it are pushed into society, much to everyone's hesitance. Candy was particularly weary, having spent so long in the labs; the city looks far too much like that place to her. She follows one of the other groups of monsters and goes about trying to live a "normal" (human) life.
One day (about a year into living in society) Candy stops her car as she's driving past some rolling hills. It calls to her, and (having been immensely dissatisfied trying to live "normally") she decides to ditch the car, leave her life behind, and simply exist as a jackalope. A few weeks later, Candy resurfaces to call another of the nine (Dusk) that she stays in contact with; she tells Dusk what she's doing, and that she's happy. Dusk is happy for her, and speaks in support of her decision, but asks that Candy call every once in a while
Years pass - many years. Candy emerges from the wilderness to make her quarterly call to Dusk - she's happy to do so, missing having conversations with others. Candy enters a payphone** and dials Dusk's number. It's disconnected. Confused and frustrated, Candy tries another number (Sam's - another of the nine. Sam's less social than Dusk or Candy, but Candy tries to stay in contact with her anyway). Also disconnected. She tries those she remembers of the other six - Daniel, Oscar, Rodger - all gone. She's alone. She's outlived all the others***; no surprise, really, with how poorly everyone had been coping with life, but heartbreaking for Candy nonetheless.
Candy isn't actually an important character in the story itself (Dusk, Alice, Oscar, and Allen are the main group), but I've already established, in my head, that she far outlives everyone else (outside the span of the story itself).

*In this world, shapeshifters come in several varieties: modification (ex. being able to change eye color, but not shape), two-form (ex. werewolves), multi-form (ex. Hawk, otter, or human, but nothing else), and unlimited (ex. a strong nature spirit may be able to change into anything non-manmade). The DNA used here was multi-form (which resulted in all monsters made with it to have four forms - their monster form, "origin" form (I'll explain this if you ask), and bipedal versions of their monster and origin forms).
**Don't ask me where she gets the money - I don't know, I didn't think that through. Maybe the machine's just broken.
***I know, I know, a disproportionate conclusion from everyone's phones being disconnected, but she is right, in this case.

Characters belong to me (Icefang100).
Song ("Deuteronomy 2 : 10") is property of The Mountain Goats.
Drawn using Krita (
Animated/put together with Kapwing (