One of the main Bible verses that Black Hebrew Israelites use to promote their false doctrine that the descendants of the 1619 Trans-Atlantic slave trade are the Israelites mentioned in the Bible is Deuteronomy 28:68. Many of the BHI groups will attempt to draw parallels between the atrocities of the slave trades and several words and phrases in verse 28 to argue their position. In their doctrine the reference to "Egypt" is not literal Egypt but simply refers to any location where bondage or slavery takes place. However, conveniently the word "ships" is referred to literal ships. Though there are numerous issues with the way Black Hebrew Israelites interpret this verse, this video will focus on how the various groups interpret the phrase "ye shall be sold" from the King James Bible as I will direct your attention to three different presentations. The normative position from the BHI groups is that "ye shall be sold" is referring to the brutal and horrific practice of forcibly selling men, women, and children in the slave markets. This video will be devoted to challenging and dispelling that assertion by examining the underlying Hebrew grammar. Any student of the Bible should strive to take efforts to exam all claims and not simply adopt a position without doing due diligence. I pray that those within the Black Hebrew Israelite groups by God's grace will see this as an opportunity to look at the Bible anew not from the perspective of merely accepting what someone told you but instead desiring to understand what the words actually mean.

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