Devoted: Best Stress Reliever Of All (Psalm 142:2)

Today's Topic - Best Stress Reliever Of All

Today's Verse - Psalm 142:2 NKJV


Christmas time is a great time of year, but many find the holiday season stressful.
Extra social events, family obligations and financial strain can steal the joy out of what is meant to be a joy-filled time of year.
When we become stressed, it’s rarely because of one thing. Several small stresses can add up to the psychological and physiological equivalent of a traumatic life event.
The key is to manage those small stressors so they don’t add up.
Taking control of your schedule, prioritizing your work and refusing to procrastinate can make your workload much more manageable. Learning relaxation methods, taking a good personality test to find out how you tick and knowing how to recharge your batteries can also give you the ability to handle stress more comfortably.
Looking a er your body is another key to keeping those stress levels low. Food intolerances, a lack of exercise, unmanaged allergies or illnesses—these can all add up, but when you take the time to look a er your body, you find that you can handle more in other areas of your life without it becoming problematic.
In addition to these practical stress-busters, make sure that you’re spending time with God. There’s no better stress reliever. Express your tension to Him, like King David did in today’s verse.
God doesn’t expect you to be superman or superwoman. He knows you will struggle at times and He wants to be there for you. Open your heart to talk to Him about the struggles you’re facing. Just knowing He is with you all the way is the best stress-reliever of all.


Do you have any prayer requests?




A daily 2 min devotional by Leon Fontaine.
© Copyright 2017 Leon Fontaine. All Rights Reserved. Used By Permission. No portion of this devotional may be reproduced, rebroadcast or modified in whole or in part without prior written consent of Miracle Channel.