In peace I will lay down and fall asleep.
Good evening to you all the listeners of Sang Sinar Channel.

Tonight we are given another chance to listen to the words of God.

Psalm one hundred and eighteen verse twenty-four to twenty-nine
24 The Lord has done it this very day;
    let us rejoice today and be glad.
25 Lord, save us!
    Lord, grant us success!
26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
    From the house of the Lord we bless you.[a]
27 The Lord is God,
    and he has made his light shine on us.
With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession
    up[b] to the horns of the altar.
28 You are my God, and I will praise you;
    you are my God, and I will exalt you.
29 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever.

Good evening our Father in heaven,
in the name of Jesus Christ tonight we give our thanks to you.
For the day that youve prepared for us
and for this evening where we can be as we are right now.
Our good father; through your words that weve heard, we are reminded to keep thankful and to be joyful of your generosity throughout our lives.
Please teach us to keep worshipping and placing your name on high for everything that youve provided;
for all things that youve made for us.
Tonight, we pray for all the listeners of this channel. Whoever we are, wherever we are, you are the one that know our situation.
You are the one that understand the problems, the struggles that are being faced by each and
every one of us.
Some of us are facing financial problems,
maybe our business is hit by the low demand,
maybe our job is in limbo due to the pandemic.
Some of us are facing problems in our family. Where the communication between family members is replaced by social media. Where the screen time is much longer that the family time.
Some of us might be facing health problems, it might be an incurable disease, or a chronic illness that grab away our ability to perform our activities.
We bring them all to you Father.
You are the almighty, the one that can lift up all the problems with a blink of an eye.
And if you let the problems to stay, let them be your tool to form us, to sculpt our faith, to make us surrender to your grand plan.
Let us be assured, that you will always walk together with us, along this steep rocky road towards the everlasting life in you.
Your strong hang will be there to catch us and lift us again when we fall.
May your solace and peace be the source of our strength, let them be poured down upon us your children.
This is the time for us to rest.
We believe that you will keep us throughout the night. May we wake up tomorrow with a new spirit to embrace another day that you’ve prepared for us. A day full of blessings and miracle, that we can share with others around us so your name will be glorified.
Thank you, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.