Deuteronomy 5:4 says, "JEHOVAH SPOKE TO YOU FACE TO FACE at the mountain (Mt. Sinai) FROM THE MIDST OF THE FIRE.”
We know that the Israelites did not literally see God “face to face” at Mount Sinai.
Deuteronomy 4:12 states, "And JEHOVAH SPOKE UNTO YOU OUT OF THE MIDST OF THE FIRE: you heard the voice of the words, BUT SAW NO SIMILITUDE; only you heard a voice ..."
Wherefore, the scriptures prove the following three facts.
Fact 1. No man has physically or literally seen the invisible God.
Fact 2. The words “face to face” are clearly a Hebrew idiomatic expression for closeness or nearness to the divine presence.
Fact 3. Some holy men of God saw visionary images of God that were not physical.
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