There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. — Proverbs 6:16-19

I have always found this proverb interesting. So let's start by noticing five interesting elements of this section. First, you need to know there are not only seven things that God hates, meaning that this is not an exhaustive list. Second, the listing of six + one is a literary device used throughout the proverbs as a means of helping a reader with memorization, so don't read more into this. Third, you will notice that the first five in the list progress through the human body from head to toe — eyes, tongue, hands, heart, and feet. Fourth, the last two bring the whole together, describing types of people — specifically the liar and the troublemaker. And fifth, something I think is essential for application, the first five describe immoral characteristics of a man and the last two how an immoral man might be characterized. So Solomon moves from characteristics to characterized. From descriptions to described. 

So here's the lesson. It's pretty simple. Your actions determine your character, which determines how people will characterize you. So fellas, and son, if you want people to characterize you differently, then act differently.

But here is one little caveat. In our relationship with Jesus, and only in our relationship with Jesus, this works a little differently. This is because our identity is founded on Jesus's action, not our action. We are characterized as redeemed by the action of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:7). This is my identity as a man of God. Yet sometimes this identity will be at odds with how we characterize ourselves because all we see is our action, not his action. But, as redeemed men, we have to remember God does not view us this way, but instead, he views us through the perfect moral life of Jesus. And in this present world, we get to live this out. Reflecting his glory in our life from head to toe.

ASK THIS: How will you live out your identity — REDEEMED — today?

DO THIS: Go live it and reflect his glory.

PRAY THIS: God, help me be a small reflection of your glory today.

PLAY THIS: Redeemed — Big Daddy Weave.

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