Full Debate Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQWe9jgTkY0

Jonathan McLatchie vs. Aqil Onque

What does the Quran say about the Bible.

The video where David Wood fails to answer the same question against Zakir Hussain.

David didn't respond to the 'representative' of God rebuttal just like Jonathan McLatchie couldn't. He also brought the same strawman that Prophet Muhammad was YHWH which is not the position of Muslim debaters.


The Book of Deuteronomy - Peter C Craigie

The Kregel Bible Atlas by Tim Dowley- Pg 21 - Paran location

Aqil Onque
Jonathan McLatchie
Tony Gurule
Sheikdh Abdullah Matrood - Quran recitation Surah 3:71
Dawudh Wharnsby Ali - background