This is a portion of the Jesus or Muhammad television program from the Aramaic Broadcasting Network ( responding to this video: This video is posted with the full permission of ABN, and its playing of portions of the aforementioned video is fully within the parameters of Fair Use, as it is a commentary upon, and in fact, refutation of, the factual and linguistic errors contained in that presentation.

The claim that Muhammad's name appears directly in the Bible in Song of Solomon 5:16 is one of the *worst* and most grossly fallacious arguments Muslims have ever devised in their necessary attempt to fulfill the claims of Surah 61:6 and 7:157. But even really bad and laughable arguments can be made to sound good if you use the proper video clips and mood music. A fair and thorough refutation of this all-too-commonly made claim.

For more commentary on Islamic claims, see the wide variety of resources available at, including playlists featuring my work there:

James White's ministry's website: