Does the Bible promise a blissful afterlife in heaven after we die?

The Old Testament speaks of a quiet place called Sheol (it’s not heavenly) but also teaches that there is no afterlife.

When we die, that’s the end of it, according to Ecclesiastes 9:5.

Ecclesiastes 9:5: ...the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten.

In stressing that we will have no rewards after death, Ecclesiastes contradicts Jesus and St. Paul saying that resurrected bodies will live in a just kingdom on earth.

The Bible never says souls go to heaven.

If we view God as the Bible’s author, we have to wrestle with this contradiction and many others.

Contradictions in the Bible are less serious if we say the Bible collects books by different writers with different beliefs from different centuries.

By viewing the Bible this way, we can easily understand why the Bible lacks consistency on the subject of the afterlife.

What happens in the afterlife turns out to be guesswork for everyone.

Or is Ecclesiastes correct--no afterlife?

Ecclesiastes 9:5 says no afterlife--Bible contradiction (Bible never says souls go to heaven)